NVIDIA certainly wasn't idle in the last two years, that much is clear. Their jump from 12nm to 8nm should set the average standard for what we should expect from moving nodes while also improving on the generation. This generational leap is what we should have seen from the 20xx series, which now seems like overpriced junk - so sorry for anyone who bought them in the last 6 months and can't return them. Let's go into a bit of history and detail. The AMD side: Shrinking 14nm to 7nm Three years ago in 2017, AMD RTG tried to even...
Due to the new GPU generations being released by the two major vendors (and soon three major vendors), I've currently put the project on indefinite hold. The current discoveries still hold for all existing encoders, which makes newer tests unnecessary for the time being. Even the early runs have not resulted in different settings compared to before. For the time being, I've left the old data online, while I quietly work on making a new, more user friendly version possible. Perhaps I will even allow user submissions in order to increase the number of tested GPUs, but that requires a...
A lot of time has passed since the 0.8 release of StreamFX, and since then a lot of code has been submitted and tested. A ton of issues have been fixed internally, making everything work better, and a lot of new features are being worked on. Let's take a quick look at the already confirmed additions! The FFmpeg Encoders are now available on Linux! You can now use the fancy NVENC UI/UX from StreamFX on your Linux machine! While zero-copy is not supported due to a limitation in OBS Studio itself, all the encoders should be available to you as...
In the two months since the release of Version 0.8.0, a lot of bugs have been discovered - which now have been fixed with Version 0.8.1! Let's take a closer look at the things that have been fixed. Update: Update 0.8.2 has been released fixing the newly discovered issues in 0.8.1. The links in the post have been updated.Update: 0.8.3 is out, and the links have been updated. Improving the Installer experience on Windows This had been on the table for a while, and finally made it in. Due to the excessive flood of people not reading the installation instructions...
Due to an excessive amount of channels required for StreamFX, I've decided to split it off into its own Discord server. You can join it using this link, and enjoy all the new features in it. Make sure to read the rules and select your roles according to what you want to do! The Server features dedicated roles for each category of tasks, in order to better help users do things. Each role also has a dedicated releases channel for their own content in order to spread the content to other creators that are less skilled at the task. You...
StreamFX has grown into one of the most used plugins for OBS Studio, often being called essential for big and small creators alike. And yet, there is a massive problem facing StreamFX: A lack of funding. Like any project, StreamFX can't survive without it, so where do we go from here? Currently the funding come from Github Sponsors, Twitch Subscriptions, Patreon, and my own job. The first three make up around $110 in total (+- some amount), which I'm really thankful for. While $110 is not a lot, it does help a bit, and reduces my time spent at work...
Streaming with more than one PC has been the leader in H.264 encoding for years, but NVIDIAs Turing and Ampere generation has put a significant dent into that lead. The new generation of GPUs with the brand new encoder brought comparable quality x264 medium - if you can find a GPU that is. Let's take a look at what's needed to set up your stream for massively improved quality.